Sunday, July 13, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth, College Road Trip and Hellboy 2

Ashley, Aravis and I got to see a movie, Jude and I got to see a movie and I got to see my own movie too. All in all it was a good weekend for movies, especially considering I worked Saturday and got a late movie-going start. The girls and I got to see "College Road Trip". Martin Lawrence is an aquired taste, I think he's funny, but he's funny in his own way if you know what I mean. The premise of the movie is that the Martin Lawrence character takes his daughter (played by Raven Symone) to visit a couple prospect colleges. She wants to go to Georgetown, which is 700 miles away, he wants her to attend Northwestern which is 23 minutes away. The little brother and genius pig tag along to make the trip more exciting, and poof! you've got the makings of a great movie. It was fun, maybe not the stand in line for four hours, see it in IMAX, stay awake at night thinking about it kind of fun. But it is fun to see with your 4 and 6 year old daughters. So if you have some, then this movie is for you.
Jude and I saw "Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D" and it was 3D. I've seen a couple other films that utilized this new 3D technology, and this by far did it the best. As expected the movie was mostly an attempt to recreate the fun of a Disneyland ride. There were incredible sights, thrilling speed, and startling surprises. Brendan Fraser is a entertaining actor, and his presence alone at least keeps a smile on my face. The other two characters played by Josh Hutcherson and Anita Briem were well cast, and although the movie was on the rails in every way, it was still fun. Jude loved it, so what else really matters?
I like "Hellboy 2" for the same reasons I liked "Hellboy". Unique comic book heros, fighing crazy bad guys in cool places. The humor and chemistry worked for me in both films, and this time around I really liked the artistic vision created onscreen. I didn't like Guillermo del Toro's last film "Pan's Labyrinth", but it was a good try. I did like his "Blade 2" and the first "Hellboy", so he's on a pretty good track since he's about to be directing "The Hobbit". Anyways, back to the movie at hand. "Hellboy 2" is goofy, the premise and look of the characters are all goofy and far fetched. But it's a comic book, so that's alright. Sometimes it's good to go over the top, and if you go over the top you might as well go all the way over. I like that Hellboy smoke cigars, I like that he gets pissed when the bad guy causes him to drop it, and I like that when the fight's over he picks it back up and continues to smoke it. What I like most of all is the disclaimer at the end of the movie where the filmmakers try to distance themselves from tabacco use depicted in the film. Maybe in "Hellboy 3" they can have him trying to quit, getting really grumpy and they can use this as a tagline: "There'll be Cold Turkey in Hell Tonight!" or maybe: "Cold Turkey is a Dish Best Served Hot!"

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