Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Some movies seem to exist merely to pass the time. These are the movies that I don't regret seeing, but in retrospect I feel as though I could have been doing something better with my time, like watching a better movie. "Hancock" could have been such a better movie. So much potential, so many strenghts, but alas, as DeNiro says in "Copland" this movie blew it. What Hollywood needs to realize is that you can not be everything to everone in the same movie. If you want to aim for the lowest common denominator, just hire Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and Jack Black and have a camera crew follow them around for a week. You're sure to have enough funny stuff to fill a two hour movie slot. On the other hand, if you want to put a twist on the super hero genre, making a introspective action film, then go ahead, hire Will Smith and make him a brooding, alcoholic, despised, has-been. Just don't try to throw in the Adam Sandler humor too. Then to make things worse, instead of trusting the instincts of the original concept, they felt as though we needed a dumbed-down, paint-by-the-numbers, typical Hollywood ending. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for some dark, shocking twist. I'm OK with a happy ending and all, but give me a break. Can't they be just a little more creative than this? Will Smith is a good actor, and has been in some of the most entertaining Hollywood blockbusters. He did good, but this movie could have been a whole lot better.

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