Sunday, July 31, 2016

Biting the Bullet

I will soon write about The Good Dinosaur, The B.F.G, Tarzan, The Jungle Book, Jason Bourne, and Suicide Squad, but please allow me a brief detour into politics:

A few years ago I was extremely critical of a couple I know who voted for the Constitution Party presidential candidate.  During that election there were two, and only two candidates who could realistically win the general election.  If given the choice of only two candidates you choose neither, you have at best wasted your vote – more likely you have made the path easier for the candidate whom you should have opposed.  I believe that it is reasonable to suggest that two votes for the Constitution Party candidate in 2008 were essentially two votes for Barack Obama.

This year the conundrum is worse, both candidates are so repugnant that it seems unthinkable to vote for either.  At the risk of coming across as flippant, “rending unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” back when there was a Caesar seems a whole lot easier than performing one’s civic duty of voting in America today.  If you are planning on voting for someone other than Clinton or Trump this November, you are only doing so to appease yourself.  Your vote will be meaningless.   Let me suggest that those who refuse to choose when confronted with the lesser of two evils are actually responsible when the greater evil wins.

Neither candidate believes in the sanctity of human life.
Neither candidate believes that our country’s greatness is irrevocably tied to God’s grace.
Neither candidate respects our country’s Constitution.
Neither candidate is wise, humble, brave, respectful, or has a heart of service.

So don’t try spreading any lies about why you’re voting for one or the other – neither of these people deserve to be the President, and either one will be detrimental to this country.
And don’t lie to yourself and vote for the Constitution Party candidate – you might as well write-in “Kanye”.

I for one will begrudgingly vote for Trump, he represents the lesser of two evils.

This country is in God’s hands.  His will isn’t constrained whether Clinton or Trump is the President.  I for one will be on my knees asking that the plans of the wicked are thwarted.  I do believe that God can change hearts; Clinton and Trump are just as savable as I.  I also believe that God could miraculously influence the election; He has blessed us for the last 240 years, why stop now?  That being said, I fully anticipate Election Day to be a somber experience, and I pray that God has mercy on us.