Friday, September 01, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

Snakes on a Plane is a movie. I saw the movie Snakes on a Plane. Samuel L. Jackson is an actor. Samuel L. Jackson is in Snakes on a Plane. Snakes on a Plane is my favorite movie about snakes on a plane. This is an example of the screenwriting style for Snakes on a Plane. I predict that when Oscar season rolls around, Snakes on a Plane will come out on DVD. The End.


TomZach Crum said...

Ever since I saw the fist preview for that movie I was like how the heck can they really make that into anything really worth watching? Might see it just to see it, but for no other reason whatsoever.

mom said...

If you think that either the writing or acting (or both) need to be good--as implied in your blog--what you fail to understand is the significance of the juxaposition of the two words "snakes" and "plane". Simply putting snakes (poisonous or not) on a flying plane will be sufficient to either make audience members howl with laughter or with fright (if the howling laughers can convince them to attend). This reduction to pure emotion by the filmmaker in selecting the title alone is worthy of Oscar consideration--most filmmakers need an hour and a half to accomplish the same feat.

Peter said...

I would like to add that this was my favorite movie about snakes on a plane, Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite movie with a snake on a plane.

Nate said...

That movie was stupid sweet!