Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Illisionist

"The Illusionist" or "The Prestige"; which magician movie is best? Recently I had the Superman vs. Batman debate with two of my co-workers. Both are big comic book fans, and instantly answered that Superman would win. "Not so fast!" said I, "Batman would win of course." They made the point that Superman has super-powers and is stronger, faster and all that stuff. I was like "Batman would win because he never goes to a fight he doesn't already have a plan to win." They thought about that for a moment, then concurred that perhaps, if he brought some Kryptonite, then he could win. "Of course he'd have Kryptonite" I exclaimed. "He'd probably have a Kryptonite suit of armor, some super-sonic Kryptonite hollow point bullets (Bat-bullets) and Louis Lane would be by his side, because she's smart enough to know the outcome of this fight, if you can even call it that." We ended up talking about compound miter saws, 18volt DeWalt hammer drills, and dovetail joints after that, because there really was no more room for debate. My point for relaying this story is merely to illustrate that when comparing two of anything, there is always one that is better and always one that isn't. "The Illusionist" which stars Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti is a very good film. I enjoyed both perfomances as well as the story and atmosphere. There was one drawback for me, and that is predictability. In certain instances, I like to be in on the framework of the film, like in an action movie. I don't need to be surprised by what happens next, onl amazed at how it happens. In a drama though, I want to be so enthralled by what is happening, that I don't see what is coming, even if in retrospect it was inevitable. Therefore, "The Illusionist" was weak in diverting my attention from what was yet to come. I knew the ending exactly abot thrity-five minutes before it happened. Now that wouldn't have been so bad if they had completely left of the traditional ending and left me to know what the ending was without insulting my movie-going intelligence. Do some people go to movies for the reassurance that comes from cookie-cutter cinema? I understand that too many films with anti heroes, trick endings and shocking twists, can leave a bad taste and an empty experience. But isn't too much of the same like too much honey or something like that? Anyways, this was the best film I've seen in the theater since "Good Night and Good Luck", and that was back in February. Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti are probably some of the best actors working right now. Back to my original question, "The Illusionist" or "The Prestige"? One will be better than the other, that is true, and yet to be seen which it will be. I have a hard time thinking that Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman will impress me as much as Giamatti and Norton did, but perhaps, just perhaps, if Christopher Nolan can break away from that Hollywood pull and actually make an original and interesting film, its possible that I might not have any complaints about that film. Let's just say I'm not holding my breath.


Martha said...


Your cousin Bobby (age 7) whould like to know who you think would win a fight between Spiderman and Batman.

Love to your family from ours!

Aunt Marty

Peter said...

Considering that Bobby is seven, I'm not going to get too graphic, let's just say Batman and Mary Jane live happily ever after...

Peter said...

P.S. How's it going out east Aunt Marty? It's always fun to see you reply to our blogs, hopefully we aren't too bad of an influence on all the cousins. Love from our family out here too. Peter

Nate said...

Superman would win hands down against anyone. I don't think that kryptonite actually does anything to him, he's just faking.

Peter said...

Superman is great, he's the standard by which all other superheroes should be measured, but Batman doesn't care about that kind of stuff. You can be a psychopathic killer, a vigilante ninja, or even a news reporter in a cape and tight pants... Batman would win.

Matthew R. Crum said...

Not that Jedi are considered superheroes, and not that I want to get too involved in nerd conversation, but didn't the greatest Jedi of all time get defeated (twice)!! Let me use a sports analogy (that's what I do) to give my two cents. "Any Given Sunday!" Bad movie, but situationally accurate metaphor. Superman has advantages. Batman and Spiderman do too. Heck, The Flash and Handi-Man (In Living Color) might stand a chance given the right circumstances. That's what makes superhero movies so interesting. It's a new scenario and we all want to see if the hero can overcome the new obstacle. Is it possible, just maybe, that he might fail, even worse, die? So until they make a Spiderman vs. Superman vs. Catwoman (this time with Beyonce as Catwoman) these questions will continue to be debated, but never really answered.

Peter said...

Matt, I respect what you're trying to say. I'm afraid that once you've entered the nerd debate, there is no escape though... Let's take this to the next level. Batman vs. Obi Wan Kenobi, Batman vs. Michael Jordan, Batman vs. President Bush, Batman vs. Bono... I'm not going to tell you who would win every single time, but his initials are; Batman.

Benjamin Crum said...

I would like to point out that Batman is not really a "Super" Hero at all. He has no super skills, no super powers, he is just a guy with a lot of doe and a bone to pick. That's what I love about Batman, but I don't think you can really pit him against real Superheros. Check out the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny if you want to see who really wins.