Thursday, February 09, 2017


Lion is a story told in two very distinct parts.  The first half is almost a documentary in the way that it follows the main character, Saroo as he wanders through the streets of Calcutta.  The second half of the film feels 'movie-ish' in comparison, with recognizable actors who find themselves in situation that feel somewhat contrived.  I will leave my review of the second half of the film at that, and focus instead on the opening act.

The performance by Sunny Pawar in Lion is reminiscent of Quvenzhané Wallis' performance in Beasts of the Southern Wild back in 2012.  It is extremely effective when such a young actor is able to be so convincing in a role.  Of course I realize that anytime you place a child in such horrific conditions it is only natural to have an emotional response, so much credit must be given to the production designers and editor.  That being said, Pawar played his part so well, showing a wide range in his reactions to various situations.

I believe that this film has a good message, which so often is lacking in movies today.  Even though the second half doesn't rise to the level of the first, it's still part of the film, and seeks to deliver an uplifting conclusion.  For these reasons I liked the movie, and would definitely recommend it to anyone.

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