Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures uses a well established formula to tell a compelling, and sometimes surprising story.  This is a rare combination; typically filmmakers try to surprise us with their storytelling style, here it's the story itself that's surprising.  Hidden Figures, directed by Theodore Melfi, shines the spotlight on historical figures that usually don't get any recognition.  Melfi does a good job keeping this film focused, understanding that an intimate examination of a few people is most effective.  I liked that the characters were allowed to develop, and while much of this was predictable, it still was a pleasure to watch.  One of my favorite scenes happened towards the end of the film, when a supporting character surprises one of the main characters with a demonstration of extreme generosity and humbleness.  This stood out to me because Melfi had taken the time to set up this scene in such a way that it enriched the entire story with a moment of true joy.

I hesitate to say anything bad about a good movie, so I won't.

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