Sunday, February 24, 2008

Vantage Point and Charlie Wilson's War

First off I would like to say that "Vantage Point's" theatrical trailer was one of my favorite trailers in a long time. Really it was like a mini movie, providing plenty of entertainment in a short amount of time. But alas, the 90 minute movie fell far short of the mark, and if you have the choice I would recommend watching the theatrical trailer over the film itself. So many opportunities were squandered, and really the multiple perspective theme of the movie turned out to be merely a gimmick. I wanted a clever techno-thriller that took advantage of different points of view to build a compelling story. Instead I had to watch basically the same thing happen six or seven times from different camera angles. Maybe I should have known better, I guess it's just the optimist in me hoping beyond hope to see something new and fresh, well not in "Vantage Point" I'm afraid.

"Charlie Wilson's War" is over at the Dollarr Theater here in Colorado Springs, so I thought no matter what it would probably be worth the price of admission. Considering that some of the actors (including Phillip Seymour Hoffman) are nominated for Academy Awards tonight, I was hoping to nullify the effects of the shallowness of "Vantage Point". Sure the film has a left-leaning political bite to it, but then maybe it makes some good points too. The perfomances from Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and mostly Hoffman were very enjoyable, and it was well worth the price ($1.50 at our Dollar Theater). It didn't ever acheive any level of greatness and probably won't leave any lasting impressions with me, but it was fun to watch. Movies like this don't really bring anytthing new to the table. We all know that our government built-up the Osama Bin Ladens of the world in an effort to fight Communism. "Charlie Wilson's War" is an inside look at the motivations and personalities behind one of those 'the road to Hell is paved with good intentions' pieces of history that we just can't seem to learn from.

1 comment:

Matthew R. Crum said...

I have to disagree with you about VP. While I obviously don't get to see movies as much as you, when I do I think I can be equally critical. I will admit that no actor gave a blow away performance, but the twists and cliff-hangers throughout the movie kept me very interested in the plot. I always try to figure out a movie as I watch it and with this one I had little success. The twists and ending were not too far fetched or unrealistic and the multiple cliff hangers seemed well resolved by movies' end. Without giving too much away from this film, because I encourage people to go see it, I think the simplicity of the "vantage points" and the repetitive nature of the film contributed to the film itself in a way to say that while some films encompass months and days of time, a film can also cover a series of events that happens in a matter of minutes, but do it in a way that tells a thorough story.
Just some thoughts...
P.S. Juno is sweet!!!