Sunday, January 15, 2006


Munich is the last movie I went to see in 2005. It was also one of the best, in the top ten of the year. It was't on the level of Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Minority Report or even Indian Jones, but as with everything Speilberg it still was amazing. As with War of the Worlds earlier this year, this film dealt with a very focused subject in the midst of a rather large ordeal. The message is simple, how can a man seperate himself from evil when he is an active participant? Specifically, what makes an Israeli killing Palestinians different from a Palestinian killing Israelis? Of course my description is an oversimplification of what Speilberg adresses in this film. He conducts a very thoughtful exploration of this subject, and I believe that he is fair and uncomprimising in his presentation of both sides of this conflict. Then of course there is the Speilberg filmmaker at work here. The shots he pulls of, and the look of the film are perfect. Speilberg does everything better that everyone else. The gun battles are top notch, yet my favorite scene involes sun-glare and glasses, how did he do that?

What will be my first review in 2006? I'm still not sure, nothing is out right now that I am really excited about. Of course I'm looking forward to Lady in the Water, talk about a perfect preview... How come most previews introduce you to all the main characters, show you all the great stunts/effects, tell you the plot, give you the best dialouge and then tell you how the movie ends? Shouldn't there be an Academy Award for 'Best Trailer'? Alright, enough about that, well until next time I hope you only see good movies, because you can't get the time back that you give to a bad movie.


Martha said...


I am curious if you plan to go see "The End of Spear". I would be interested to read your review of it. Uncle John and I can't often get to the theater to see movies, so we have to rely on videos.

"Hey" to all at your house!

Aunt Marty

Jonathan said...

Aunt Marty,

I have already seen End of the Spear (and I got to meet Steve Saint and the guy who has become his father).

I thought it was really good, but I won't tell you more than that.

The very last bit of dialogue in the movie is worth the whole eight bucks to hear in a public movie theater.


Jonathan said...

oh, and, Peter,

I could not stand the afterthoughts I had of Munich until I read this post. Up until this time I couldn't figure a reason to see the movie, or commend it for anything it possessed. Great review.

Benjamin Crum said...

Jon the Crum stikes again. Jon, post something on your blog!!!

Jonathan said...

I don't know who.

-jonathan vandevort crum

Nate said...

I to saw Munich and I still would say that I was disapointed. We all know that Steve is an awsome director, and we know his special effects and camera work are the best. I just expect, that with every Spielberg movie, there should be some depper thought put in by the viewer, or a larger felling of some emotion. This ended up just a 3 hour movie about Isralies killing Palastinians and the other way around. We all know that this goes on. I think that if he had offered some solution to this problem then the film would have been more worth while, but hey...I liked Free what do I know?