Sunday, March 02, 2014

Academy Awards

Perhaps you've noticed a trend; my movie reviews have trickled to almost nothing.  There was a brief spurt of reviews which coincided with Christmas break, but now my attention is focused back on Newton's Second Law, linear independence, and Thévenin equivalent circuits.  Yet tonight the Academy Awards ceremony will be televised, and I'm looking forward to seeing who the winners are.  Mere minutes ago I finished watching the last of nine films nominated for Best Picture.  A few I already wrote about, so you know my opinion on American Hustle, Captain Phillips and Her already.  Instead of full-fledged reviews of the other six films, I'll simply comment briefly on each, and close with my pick for the best film this year.

Dallas Buyers Club was a sad film which reminded me of the hopeless condition so many of our fellow human beings find themselves in.  What is it that motivates a despicable, fallen man to commit acts of genuine kindness?

Gravity is a masterpiece for the senses.  Visually and aurally it didn't miss a beat.  Add to the experience a well acted performance by Sandra Bullock as a brave an ingenious woman; resulting in the most entertaining movie of the year.

Nebraska was quite boring and completely captivating at the same time.  Perhaps I couldn't believe that "this is it" the whole movie, so my anticipation for more kept me glued to the screen.

Philomena rose above its cliché storyline by allowing its two main characters to be themselves.  Judi Dench plays a woman of faith who should have lost her faith a long time ago by the world's perspective.  Steve Coogan willingly represents the world, ridiculing and questioning any who would believe God's Word.  That both characters can occupy the same film was amazing to me. * {I feel obliged to mention that there is a plot devolvement in this film which I found contradictory to my beliefs.  Obviously this is still a product of Hollywood and their ideas about sin are reflected therein}

Twelve Years A Slave is probably the most difficult of these nine films for me to review.  While it is a powerful film, its shortcomings and reliance on certain techniques leave me undecided.  My mind finds it difficult to accept that such widespread mistreatment of fellow human beings could occur as is depicted in this film.  Were plantation owners as depraved as Michael Fassbender's character is here?  I know the answer, and it disturbs me to acknowledge that where one sin has been effectively abolished, many more have taken its place.  To get back to my original train of thought; this film relies re-enacting the horrors of slavery to condemn it.  I suggest that making a film which condemns man's depravity today by drawing parallels to slavery would be a much greater achievement than what is represented in Twelve Years A Slave.  If we aren't learning anything from our past, what good is there dwelling on it?

The Wolf of Wall Street  {I actually had written a draft review for this film, so here it is}

Any movie that can make me question long-held beliefs must be doing something right.  If you listen to the leftists of the world (i.e. Al Gore) you would conclude that Capitalism is a pervasive evil that must be dismantled before it destroys us all.  On the other extreme we find Rush Limbaugh, who equates Capitalism with Godliness.  I would suggest that our country wouldn't be what it is today without Capitalism; the good and the bad.  Greedy, selfish Capitalists placed us in the unique position to save the world from Nazism and Japanese imperialism at the same time.  You might argue that it was our country's Godly foundation which led to a World War II victory.  Or you might point to the blessings of natural resources, or the motivating power of good vs. evil...  Sure, that's all true, but greedy, selfish Capitalists played an integral part. 

Now you're beginning to wonder, what has this to do with The Wolf of Wall Street?  Martin Scorsese has made a movie which should be both inspiring and totally offensive to any reasonable person.  There is no aristocracy in the United States, everyone has the opportunity to better him or her self.  Inherent with this freedom is the potential for devastating failure and degradation.  Scorsese has crafted an allegory; warning all viewers of the pitfalls associated with Capitalism.  In an early scene, Matthew McConaughey's character offers his advice on how to be a great stock broker.  He carefully plots a routine of drug and alcohol use to maximize his effectiveness; the ultimate goal is to make as much money as possible.  Health, kindness, peace, love, integrity,... none of these are even factors in his approach, only self-gratification and money.  The main character in the film, played by Leonardo DiCaprio takes this advice to heart, and the result is an empty life of excess.

I don't think that Scorsese is so hypocritical as to be criticizing success, or the competitive nature of Capitalism.  Rather, this film plays more as a warning to those who would naïvely assume that any system is run by "good" people.  We are the sheep.  The guys dominating on Wall Street are the wolves.  The most poignant moment in The Wolf of Wall Street comes during an explanation; making money for investors is unimportant to the broker, because making money for the broker is the only thing.  In a perfect world Capitalism would be wonderful; a flawless balance of supply and demand would bring peace and harmony.  In a perfect world Communism would be wonderful too... 

Where this film made me question my beliefs has to do with the infectious nature of evil.  I'd like to believe that greedy, selfish Capitalists helped win World War II, with no negative side effects.  I'd like to believe that greedy, selfish, white Capitalists settled this country (relocating and murdering along the way), with no lasting negative side effects.  I'd like to believe that greedy, selfish Capitalists can run our banks, corporations, churches, etc. with no negative side effects.  Scorsese is telling me to wake up.  That's all this film is, an exposé.  What should be done next?, well that is a really important question.


And the winner is…  While Gravity was the most entertaining (and the only movie I'd recommend watching), American Hustle was the best film I saw this year.  So there you have it.

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