Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Avengers

For the reader's convenience I have linked to my previous reviews of the following movies:  Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America.  I don't think I ever wrote a review of the Edward Norton "Hulk" movie (I only saw it on video), which was far and away the best of the Avenger-team-member movies; a moot point considering that Norton got replaced by Mark Ruffalo for the ensemble movie just released.  I mention the previous movie reviews merely to point out how exceedingly low my expectations for "The Avengers" was, just less than 24 hours ago.  Some may laugh at this, but I consider myself a undying optimist when it comes to movies; no matter how critical I may be I'm always hoping for the best.

Jess and I have watched the "Firefly" show a couple times (it was only one season long). Joss Whedon created "Firefly" and wrote and directed many of the episode too.  What Whedon brings as a writer and director to "The Avengers" is an understanding that good, funny characters are far more interesting than mindless action.  He has taken three bland and one funny (but not two hours funny) superheroes, given them good lines, just the right amount of tension and created a movie which is actually entertaining all the way through.  I noted in my review of the original "Iron Man" that I enjoyed the final fight sequence because I got a little nap in...  This is the negative side effect of computer animation; "spectacular" has become boring.  Whedon came close to putting me to sleep a few times; I actually dread the finales in movies like this, but he was smart enough to cut between the different heroes focusing more on the humorous interactions, and not putting too much emphasis on the action.

While I wouldn't go so far as to say that "The Avengers" atones for the sins of its predecessors; it does have personality, and personality goes a long way.


Nathaniel said...

Still reading your posts, though I don't plan on seeing many movies in the theater anymore... its too expensive and too much of a disappointment with most of the movies I've seen recently. Anyways, I have a big screen tv in my house. I am looking forward to seeing Brave, Batman, and the Hobbit. I may see Prometheus, but I'm not sure that I want to pee my pants in public.

Do you watch any of the videos on Vimeo? They have been really helpful to me to see what people are doing with there own cameras and no budget. Lots of fun stuff.

Peter said...

Thanks for still reading Nate. I feel your disappointment, yet for me it is overwhelmed by how much better the moviegoing experience can be. Watching stuff at home, even with a good TV and sound system merely reminds me of the amazing experience that the theater still offers. I think seeing "Braveheart" in the theater (back in the day) was an eye opening experience. Saw it at the local dollar theater, probably the best dollar I ever spent. Your list of possible exceptions to staying at home is my list too, with Bond and Django thrown in for good measure.

I do like the stuff on Vimeo and to a lesser extent Youtube. I've really been enjoying your movies and look forward to more and talking with you about specific ideas.