Sunday, July 04, 2010

The Last Airbender

I had high hopes for this movie. I don't want to regurgitate what must be going around all the message boards these days, but M. Night Shaymalan has let down his fans for the first time. Up until now I have liked all of Saymalan's films. I have thought that in many ways his films have become progressively better, with the exception of "Lady in the Water" which wasn't as good as "The Village" which came right before it. When I heard Shaymalan explain that his kid had turned him on to "Avatar: The Last Airbender", and that he (Shaymalan) was excited about making it into a film, I was excited too. I was excited because I knew that he, if anyone, could make anything interesting. Up until just last week, no matter how many times I saw the trailer, I knew that Shaymalan has the ability to make a quirky anime kids show into a great visual cautionary tale. But alas, it was not to be so. Instead I saw a movie with poor acting, poor dialogue, a run-of-the-mill New Age plot, and sub-par special effects. The worst of it was realizing that this movie is a setup, most likely for two other movies. Are we going to be deprived of a true Shaymalan film for four years? Has Shaymalan lost it? Is this just some great pre-amble to an even worse second movie, followed up by a great masterpiece, which could only be truly appreciated by being disappointed by the earlier two films? I know I'm probably reaching there. It would be far healthier to forgive Shaymalan this one error, maybe even a trilogy of errors, and hope that he gets this out of his system and goes back to who he was meant to be.


Matthew R. Crum said...

I didn't see Later in the Water so I can't comment on his progression. I did like the Village but didn't really care for the Happening. I definitely didn't like Airbender, and for most of the same reasons you listed. The acting was terrible. Maybe he wanted the dialogue to sound like the cartoons, because that's what it sounded like to me. I'll give other Airbender movies a chance, I just hope that they give me more action and less cheese.

Benjamin Crum said...

maybe not 4 years, here's one he is credited for writing: --- though I don't think it looks any good.