Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana Jones Part 4

I have some good news and I have some bad news. You want to hear the bad news first? "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is not "Raiders of the Lost Ark". It's not even "The Last Crusade". Maybe my perception of both of those movies is so tainted by childhood and fond memories that it is unfair of me to compare them to the newest film, but I can't help it.

The good news is that it's Indiana Jones, through and through. Now sure, we get to see Indiana do some stuff we never expected to see him doing (and to be any more specific might ruin some suprises, so I won't). But even in these new developements, he handles them like Indian Jones would. It's never been the years acording to Indiana, rather the mileage, so don't let any detractors or Indy-bashers keep you from seeing this movie. It is fun, and in keeping with the spirit of the series. As I just left the theater an hour or so ago, I find that the film is already growing on me. I especially liked one of the closing scenes, and I can imagine what Spielberg's intent was in shooting it the way he did. What'll be best about this movie in the long run is finding ways to argue both sides of the "Was it a good or bad Indiana Jones movie?" question. Sometimes the most entertaining films are also in some ways the worst, if you don't believe me, watch "Jurrasic Park" again. And I don't mean that in a bad way, perhaps we (and when I say "we" I mean myself) take movies too seriously, and every once in a while we need a great director along with a great actor to make a fun movie, like "Indiana Jones 4".


mom said...

Thomas, David, and Stephen saw it at the opening midnight showing and came home giving it a big three thumbs down. I had planned to take the younger ones to see it yesterday afternoon as a treat for the end of the year (it was their last day of school), but I decided against it based on the review I got. I planned to wait for it to come out on DVD rather than spend the big bucks--especially since we had seen Prince Caspian with the school on Monday and found it very disappointing. Now I need to know it you think it's worth the money to see it on the big screen, and if the younger ones will appreciate what the older ones thought was really stupid and boring.

Peter said...

I never think anyone should wait to see any movie on DVD ever. If a movie is worth seeing at all, it should be seen as it was intended. This film is worth seeing on the biggest possible screen as soon as possible.
Love, Peter

Peter said...

Stupid and boring?!
Perhaps stupid, but only if you mean that in a good way. Boring, not even a little bit.

Benjamin Crum said...

Really the only criticizm I have (did you see the way I spelled that!!!) is the dialog seemed forced (and Galadrial's accent was pretty bad), other than that I thought it was fun and really well made and I was glad to see an Indiana Jones movie in the theater.