Saturday, July 21, 2007


"Ratatouille" is the best movie I've seen this year. I am going to make a point to not compare it to any other movies, recent or otherwise. This is because "Ratatouille" stands up all by itself as a great film. Alright, I'll come down a little, maybe it wasn't a great film. I mean I am factoring in that the animation was incredible, especially at conveying the personality of the main characters, one of whom couldn not speak to the other. I am giving this movie extra credit for something I would expect from a live action film. At the same time the "acting" portrayed in this film was far better than most real actors could ever hope to accomplish. The story was fun, the details were excitng, and the visuals were at times amazing, but were always beautiful. Please don't make me watch another... oh wait, I made a promise not to talk about those mediocre computer generated movies that I loathe, I'm trying to stay positive here. Pixar has done it again. Once again I foresee this coming Chistmas; kids in their rooms playing with brand new toys. Jess, talking on the phone to her friends about the amazing present I just gave her. Me, sitting on the couch, watching "Ratatouille".

1 comment:

Nate said...

I enjoyed this movie a lot and I will always look forward to the new pixar films