Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fantastic 4 Part 2 and My Impression Of The Summer

I went to see "Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer" (I'll refer to it as "the movie" from here on out) with my friend Rob this past Friday. The movie wans't bad. I mean it never got so bad as to call it bad, but it never got good either. Afterwards, Rob and I discussed how weak the characters and writing were. I made the point that most comic book movies touch upon some very basic human relationships and struggles, but the primary focus is on special effects and action. In "the movie" there is going to be a wedding, but the end of the World is also at hand. How do superheros fight evil and destruction while keeping their personal lives in perspective? The points that are made about family and what is "normal" were all very good and uplifting. The idea of working together and communicating were positive, good messages. But everything was all packaged up and delivered in a way that probably would irritate a twelve year old. Maybe I wasn't the target audience for this film in the first place. Perhaps the only reason I went to see it was that there wasn't anything else to go see. What I'm saying is that it wasn't the movie's fault that I didn't like it, the blame is on me. If you're under the age of twelve go see this movie. If you're over the age of twelve, stay at home and find something productive to do with your time.

Alright, so here's this weeks gripe: Movies suck so far this Summer. I'm sure I didn't emphasise "suck" enough, maybe I should have underlined it and used all caps. Even better I could have done that thing where you use a whole bunch of s's to make the letter s , then a bunch of u's and so on. I just glanced at my blog, and I haven't given out a positive review since May 5th, when I wrote about "Amazing Grace" which I saw in the Dollar theater. Now this wouldn't be so bad if the rest of the Summer looked great, but I'm kinda hestitant. Next is "Die Hard 4", but with that kid from the Mac commercials, I just don't have faith in that one. After that it's "Ratatouille", which is the glimmer of hope for this Summer's movies. I must admit I think it looks great. Following that it's "Transformers" the Transformers themselves look sweet, but if I see more of Bernie Mac or that punk kid in the first hour of the movie than Transformers themselves, I'll be pissed (by the way, if you didn't sense this from what I just said, I'd put money on seeing more of either one of those characters than all the Transformers combined in the whole movie). I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books, but I get the feeling that we already have seen the best "Harry Potter" movie. "The Bourne Ultimatum" might be good, I really liked the first on, and upon a recent second viewing of the sequel, I liked that one too. So on August third there might be a good movie, and then it goes blank for a few more months. Maybe I need to find something else to do.


Benjamin Crum said...

you could read...

Anonymous said...

how about you change your blog title to Peter D. Crum: Movie Ninja? Is it not more appropriate?

Anyhow... I'm linking your blog to my blog. Hope you don't mind.

Peter said...

"Movie Ninja" isn't a bad idea, put the term "Ninja" is in and of itself all encompassing. When you're a ninja of one thing, you're a ninja of everything.

I think it's great that you're linking my site.