Sunday, March 02, 2025


Whenever Aravis and I go to Starbucks, and she gets a drink with one of those "sippy cup" lids, and I ask her if it's an Ariana Grande, and Aravis dutifully laughs at my dad joke.  I mention this because Ariana Grande is in Wicked, and I really liked the pink bubble that she uses as her primary mode of transportation.

Jeff Goldblum is in the movie Wicked, and has some great lines, like when he tries to play-off how stupid the animatronic Wizard head is, or when he describes the struggle it's been to choose a color for the brick road that leads to the Emerald Palace.  It's too bad that these lines will forever be overshadowed by quotes from Jurassic Park.  Goldblum deserves and Academy Award for keeping a straight face when saying the dumbest things.

I feel like William Shakespeare writing a sonnet as I try to decide which element to mention in my "didn't like" category...  I go straight to the heart:  1939's The Wizard of Oz had so many good timeless messages; family, friendship, intestinal fortitude, honesty, etc.  From what I was able to decipher, Wicked's message is don't screw around with green people.

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